213 Open Daily games
3 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for Footfungus


Sat 12th Sep 11:22
Circles of Death rated  Abysmal
It's basically a coin flip every game.
#8 of 8
Mon 18th Aug 20:13
Feudal Japan rated  Bad
I want to love this map, but I just can't. I've been stuck in a game that's down to five players and has been for months. There is no incentive to attack anything. The optimal strategy is to grab hold of a city and keep it because of the defensive bonus. Makes for stupid gameplay.
#7 of 8
Wed 26th Feb 20:12
Gunslinger rated  Great
A lot of this comes down to dice, assuming each player knows what he's doing, but it's still pretty fun, especially with fog.
#6 of 8
Fri 15th Mar 18:53
Micro Mission rated  Superb
I like this board, but there is a fair amount of luck involved because it is so small.
#5 of 8
Fri 15th Mar 18:53
WarGear Warfare rated  Perfect
The original board.
#4 of 8
Tue 5th Mar 15:27
9 Blocks rated  Great
#3 of 8
Wed 12th Sep 16:04
War rated  Bad
It's like the classic game, except you might not notice that Australia has an extra entrance. That's fine, but I was playing and didn't notice. That may have cost me the game.
#2 of 8
Thu 23rd Aug 15:56
Arm Wrestle rated  Poor
kind of gimmicky
#1 of 8